The Pipeline Industry and the Environment

QP recognizes that protecting the environment is a top priority the world over for governments, businesses, special interest groups and concerned individuals. Pipeline companies today are dedicated to finding innovative ways to reduce the industry’s footprint. Key factors include limiting the impact pipelines have on land, water, wildlife, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

LAND initiatives include:

* A careful approach to constructing pipelines through pre-planning of projects.

* Implementation of Rapid Emergency Response to spills with specialized crews and equipment.

* Restoration of distinct land areas to their natural state by replanting native vegetation.

WILDLIFE protection involves:

* Planning projects for minimum habitat impact.

* Developing Quick Response Plans to control and contain the affected area and limit any harm to wildlife.

* Employing experts to monitor animal life, area clean-up progress, and to ensure no long-term damage occurs.

WATERWAYS plans include:

* Choosing the safest route to build near and across waterways.

* Using specifically designed pipe with thicker walls made of corrosion-resistant coatings and special block valves at both sides of water crossings to quickly stop product flow.

*Plans also include additional information about water currents and run-off. Specialized equipment like spill containment booms and skimmers are deployed immediately if leaks or spills are detected by 24/7 monitoring systems.


* The use of more efficient engines that burn natural gas.

* Reducing methane emissions during maintenance by capturing and diverting gas rather than releasing into the atmosphere.

* Detecting leaks through the use of advanced technology.

* Conducting ongoing maintenance of all equipment, and regular inspection of storage tanks (vents, drains, valves and seals) for leaks and/or corrosion.

QP stays on top of the latest technology and developments in sanitation for the pipeline industry. Let us help you with any questions, concerns or products you need to keep your business up-to-date in helping to protect the world we live in!